Monday, December 28, 2009

Children's Christmas for adults

John Denver and The Muppets: A Christmas Together; John Denver; The Muppets

I’m a snob. I’ve made reference to my snobbery in other places on this blog. I’m a piano snob. I’m a cookie snob. I’m a television show snob, I’m a Mac computer snob, I’m a mac and cheese snob, I’m a bottled water snob. I’m even a living room and kitchen lighting snob. I’m also a Muppet snob.

The Muppet Show franchise that I know and love closed shop on the day that Jim Henson died on May 16, 1990. Although I admire the diligence, drive and perseverance of his children in their efforts to keep the Muppets alive, to me the heart and soul of muppetdom, through which all other muppeteers sang, spoke and performed, emanated from the real life character of Mr. Henson.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve found immense satisfaction in observing the relationships fostered by the Henson/Frank Oz union: Kermit and Fozzie, Bert and Ernie, Kermit and Miss Piggy, Rowlf the Dog and Fozzie, Dr. Teeth and Animal, and Kermit and Sam the Eagle. Each character pairing differs from another, but the foundation of love, respect, comedic timing and ability to focus on task permeates one of the closest artistic collaborations in the history of show business.

I remember when “John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together” aired on TV in 1979. I loved it. Nearly every performing artist that ever had interaction with a Muppet has brought some level of credibility to their exchange. But John Denver summoned an extra measure of child like conviction that made all of us believe that HE believed that Muppets were sentient beings and not merely the extension of a talented Muppeteer's hand, lending credence to their celebration of Christmas and sincerity to the effects of smoke, mirrors and glitter.

I don’t know why upper management has never released this special onto DVD. I know people have searched for it for thirty years. Thankfully, the CD has illuminated our Christmases for at least two decades. “The Twelve Days Of Christmas” reigns as the brightest shining star on this tree, amongst “Christmas Is Coming” and “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”, where Miss Piggy balks at “Piggy pudding!?” urging Gonzo to reply, “No, figgy pudding, made with figs.” “Oh. Sorry.” “And bacon.” “What?”

We all want to believe in Muppets. They represent all that remains child-like and innocent in all of us. Adding John Denver and Christmas to the mix only sweetens the potency.

Credits: To John Denver, for the breath of fresh air that tinges every song you sang and brightens our day with the sunshine you gleam on our shoulders. And to Rowlf the Dog, for "Here we are as in olden days, happy golden days of yore."


  1. Dear Erik--Not only are you the master pianist, but you have now proven to be a true master wordsmith. Wonderful writing!! Great stories!! Thanks so very much for sharing your great mind with all of us. You are indeed a fabulous talent and we are all blessed to be a part of your world. Happy New Year!!
    Cheers! Bobbie Cavas (see you in Feb.)

  2. Erik - Am so enjoying reading your blog for the first time. You are as eloquent with words as you are with notes. And...I concur: the Muppets as done by the Henson/Oz team can never be matched.
    See you soon! Laurie

  3. At least you're a charming, unpretentious snob. :-)

  4. At MOST I'm a charming, unpretentious snob. :-(
