Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Foggy obstacles

Appalachia Waltz; Yo-Yo Ma, cello; Edgar Meyer, bass; Mark O'Connor, fiddle

Hybrid. Major buzzword. Old concept - revamped and alive and well in the energy-saving community. Back on the farm, hybrid referred to a certain kind of seed corn or soybean, but any more the term indicates a specific mixture.

In the spring of 2000, my friend S. took me to a concert at D.A.R. Auditorium in Constitution Hall just a few blocks away from the White House. Fiddler Mark O’Connor, bassist Edgar Meyer and cellist Yo-Yo Ma brought to the D.A.R. stage some of the magic that they captured on their 1996 album “Appalachia Waltz” and their 2000 album “Appalachian Journey”.

We are not any one thing in this special blend of styles. Perhaps we come closest to bluegrass, but in the spirit of All-American inclusiveness, this ensemble of players and the arrangements of these selections blur the lines. I can hear the discipline of classical music, the spontaneity of jazz, the simple yet ardent passion of folk music, the dancing spirit of Celtic music and the optimistic, forward-looking enthusiasm of contemporary music. The best of all of these things show up for the party.

Masters O’Connor, Meyer and Ma bring so much emotion, perspective, talent and skill to an already colorful palette. They each know their role in the ensemble at any given time and never stand in each other’s way. The music gets played like a dance, one member passing off the spotlight to someone else, taking turns with the background accompaniment, playing duets, and, best of all, making it so easy, delightful and, believe it or not, inviting for us to listen to. I feel like I’m in the circle with them and they’re looking at me, seeking me out, searching for that part of me, an American, who has his part to play in this county fair setting of world music.

Credits: To those artists who can make obscure those fences that prevent visitation rites between art forms.

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